Relays open and close circuits using electromechanical or electronic switches. Except for small motors and low-ampere Solenoids, relays switch lesser currents in a control circuit and do not usually regulate power-consuming equipment. Nonetheless, because a tiny voltage given to a relay's coil can result in a voltage switched by the contacts, relays can "control" larger voltages and amperes. Protective relays detect electrical irregularities such as overcurrent, undercurrent, overloads, and reverse currents and can prevent equipment damage.
Key Features:
- Volvo Penta relay
- This product replaces part 873765
- Genuine Volvo Penta Relay 12V (20-30A) for starter and glow plug systems, among other things.
- This authentic relay is potted to prevent corrosion.
- If you are unsure about which relay you need, please contact us first.
- Great value for your money
Product Specifications:
- SKU: 21400091
- Weight: 0.08 LBS
- Diagram Reference Number: 10
- Alternate Products SKU: "REC21400091", "21400091"
- Manufacturer Part Number (MPN): 21400091
- Quantity: 1
Volvo Penta Exploded view / schematic Extra Alternator
This product replaces:
- 873765